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Ivan Micgosoft 13 Juni Ivan Aveldo. Topik Baru Translator Aksara Bali. Companies can use Web 2. Among other things, company employees have created wikis—Websites that allow users to add, delete, and edit content — to list answers to frequently asked questions about each product, and consumers have added significant contributions.

Another marketing Web 2. Saturating media hubs—like The New York Times , PC Magazine and Business Week — with links to popular new Web sites and services, is critical to achieving the threshold for mass adoption of those services. In a recent article for Bank Technology News, Shane Kite describes how Citigroup's Global Transaction Services unit monitors social media outlets to address customer issues and improve products.

In tourism industries, social media is an effective channel to attract travellers and promote tourism products and services by engaging with customers. The brand of tourist destinations can be built through marketing campaigns on social media and by engaging with customers.

The campaign used social media platforms, for example, Facebook and Twitter, to promote this competition, and requested the participants to share experiences, pictures and videos on social media platforms.

The tourism organisation can earn brand royalty from interactive marketing campaigns on social media with engaging passive communication tactics. Korean Airline Tour created and maintained a relationship with customers by using Facebook for individual communication purposes. Travel 2. The travel 2.

For example, TripAdvisor is an online travel community which enables user to rate and share autonomously their reviews and feedback on hotels and tourist destinations. Non pre-associate users can interact socially and communicate through discussion forums on TripAdvisor. Social media, especially Travel 2. The user-generated content on social media tools have a significant impact on travelers choices and organisation preferences.

User-generated content became a vital tool for helping a number of travelers manage their international travels, especially for first time visitors. In addition, an autonomous review feature on social media would help travelers reduce risks and uncertainties before the purchasing stages. Therefore, the organisations should develop strategic plans to handle and manage the negative feedback on social media.

Although the user-generated content and rating systems on social media are out of a business' controls, the business can monitor those conversations and participate in communities to enhance customer loyalty and maintain customer relationships. For example, blogs give students a public space to interact with one another and the content of the class. A study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison notes that " This increase could then lead to better communication between researchers and the public, more substantive discussion, and more informed policy decision.

Ajax has prompted the development of Web sites that mimic desktop applications, such as word processing , the spreadsheet , and slide-show presentation. No longer active. They mimic the user experience of desktop operating systems, offering features and applications similar to a PC environment, and are able to run within any modern browser.

However, these so-called "operating systems" do not directly control the hardware on the client's computer. Numerous web-based application services appeared during the dot-com bubble of — and then vanished, having failed to gain a critical mass of customers.

Many regard syndication of site content as a Web 2. Syndication uses standardized protocols to permit end-users to make use of a site's data in another context such as another Web site, a browser plugin , or a separate desktop application.

Observers have started to refer to these technologies as Web feeds. Specialized protocols such as FOAF and XFN both for social networking extend the functionality of sites and permit end-users to interact without centralized Web sites. Servers often expose proprietary Application programming interfaces API , but standard APIs for example, for posting to a blog or notifying a blog update have also come into use.

Critics of the term claim that "Web 2. Second, many of the ideas of Web 2. Amazon also opened its API to outside developers in Tim Berners-Lee , who developed the initial technologies of the Web, has been an outspoken critic of the term, while supporting many of the elements associated with it. Sharing a file or publishing a web page was as simple as moving the file into a shared folder.

Perhaps the most common criticism is that the term is unclear or simply a buzzword. For many people who work in software, version numbers like 2.

The web does not have a version number. If Web 2. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along That was what it was designed to be Other critics labeled Web 2. For example, The Economist has dubbed the mid- to lates focus on Web companies as "Bubble 2. In terms of Web 2. Keen's book, Cult of the Amateur , argues that the core assumption of Web 2. They can make themselves available, but if nobody wants to look at their site, that's fine.

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Web 2. A Web 2. This contrasts the first generation of Web 1. Examples of Web 2. Whether Web 2. Web 1. In general, content was generated dynamically, allowing readers to comment directly on pages in a way that was not common previously. Some Web 2. For example, a Web 1. During Web 1. Terry Flew , in his third edition of New Media, described the differences between Web 1.

Flew believed these factors formed the trends that resulted in the onset of the Web 2. Some common design elements of a Web 1.

The term "Web 2. The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfuls, is only an embryo of the Web to come. The first glimmerings of Web 2.

The Web will be understood not as screenfuls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens. It will [ Writing when Palm Inc. She focused on how the basic information structure and hyper-linking mechanism introduced by HTTP would be used by a variety of devices and platforms.

As such, her "2. The term Web 2. In their opening remarks, John Battelle and Tim O'Reilly outlined their definition of the "Web as Platform", where software applications are built upon the Web as opposed to upon the desktop. The unique aspect of this migration, they argued, is that "customers are building your business for you".

O'Reilly and Battelle contrasted Web 2. For example,. Netscape framed "the web as platform" in terms of the old software paradigm : their flagship product was the web browser, a desktop application, and their strategy was to use their dominance in the browser market to establish a market for high-priced server products.

Control over standards for displaying content and applications in the browser would, in theory, give Netscape the kind of market power enjoyed by Microsoft in the PC market. Much like the "horseless carriage" framed the automobile as an extension of the familiar, Netscape promoted a "webtop" to replace the desktop, and planned to populate that webtop with information updates and applets pushed to the webtop by information providers who would purchase Netscape servers.

In short, Netscape focused on creating software, releasing updates and bug fixes, and distributing it to the end users.

O'Reilly contrasted this with Google , a company that did not, at the time, focus on producing end-user software, but instead on providing a service based on data, such as the links that Web page authors make between sites. Google exploits this user-generated content to offer Web searches based on reputation through its " PageRank " algorithm.

Unlike software, which undergoes scheduled releases, such services are constantly updated, a process called "the perpetual beta ". Wikipedia editors are not required to have educational credentials, such as degrees, in the subjects in which they are editing.

Wikipedia is not based on subject-matter expertise, but rather on an adaptation of the open source software adage "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow". This maxim is stating that if enough users are able to look at a software product's code or a website , then these users will be able to fix any " bugs " or other problems. The Wikipedia volunteer editor community produces, edits, and updates articles constantly.

The popularity of Web 2. It's a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It's about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people's network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace. It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world but also change the way the world changes.

Instead of merely reading a Web 2. By increasing emphasis on these already-extant capabilities, they encourage users to rely more on their browser for user interface , application software "apps" and file storage facilities.

This has been called "network as platform" computing. Users can provide the data and exercise some control over what they share on a Web 2. Amazon and eBay , news websites e. YouTube and Instagram and collaborative-writing projects. The impossibility of excluding group members who do not contribute to the provision of goods i. According to Best, [32] the characteristics of Web 2.

Further characteristics, such as openness, freedom, [33] and collective intelligence [34] by way of user participation, can also be viewed as essential attributes of Web 2. Some websites require users to contribute user-generated content to have access to the website, to discourage "free riding". The key features of Web 2. The client-side Web browser technologies used in Web 2. To allow users to continue interacting with the page, communications such as data requests going to the server are separated from data coming back to the page asynchronously.

Otherwise, the user would have to routinely wait for the data to come back before they can do anything else on that page, just as a user has to wait for a page to complete the reload.

This also increases the overall performance of the site, as the sending of requests can complete quicker independent of blocking and queueing required to send data back to the client.

Since both of these formats are natively understood by JavaScript, a programmer can easily use them to transmit structured data in their Web application.

When this data is received via Ajax, the JavaScript program then uses the Document Object Model to dynamically update the Web page based on the new data, allowing for rapid and interactive user experience. In short, using these techniques, web designers can make their pages function like desktop applications. For example, Google Docs uses this technique to create a Web-based word processor.

Of Flash's many capabilities, the most commonly used was its ability to integrate streaming multimedia into HTML pages. With the introduction of HTML5 in and the growing concerns with Flash's security, the role of Flash became obsolete, with browser support ending on December 31, However, frameworks smooth over inconsistencies between Web browsers and extend the functionality available to developers. Many of them also come with customizable, prefabricated ' widgets ' that accomplish such common tasks as picking a date from a calendar, displaying a data chart, or making a tabbed panel.

On the server-side , Web 2. NET Framework , are used by developers to output data dynamically using information from files and databases. When data is available in one of these formats, another website can use it to integrate a portion of that site's functionality. As such, Web 2. Standards-oriented Web browsers may use plug-ins and software extensions to handle the content and user interactions. It includes discussions of self-service IT, the long tail of enterprise IT demand, and many other consequences of the Web 2.

A third important part of Web 2. The social Web consists of a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences. As such, the end user is not only a user of the application but also a participant by:. The popularity of the term Web 2. For example, in the Talis white paper "Library 2. Blogs, wikis and RSS are often held up as exemplary manifestations of Web 2. A reader of a blog or a wiki is provided with tools to add a comment or even, in the case of the wiki, to edit the content.

Talis believes that Library 2. Here, Miller links Web 2. Many of the other proponents of new 2. The meaning of Web 2. For example, some use Web 2. There is a debate over the use of Web 2. A growing number of marketers are using Web 2. Companies can use Web 2. Among other things, company employees have created wikis—Websites that allow users to add, delete, and edit content — to list answers to frequently asked questions about each product, and consumers have added significant contributions.

Another marketing Web 2. Saturating media hubs—like The New York Times , PC Magazine and Business Week — with links to popular new Web sites and services, is critical to achieving the threshold for mass adoption of those services.

In a recent article for Bank Technology News, Shane Kite describes how Citigroup's Global Transaction Services unit monitors social media outlets to address customer issues and improve products. In tourism industries, social media is an effective channel to attract travellers and promote tourism products and services by engaging with customers.

The brand of tourist destinations can be built through marketing campaigns on social media and by engaging with customers. The campaign used social media platforms, for example, Facebook and Twitter, to promote this competition, and requested the participants to share experiences, pictures and videos on social media platforms. The tourism organisation can earn brand royalty from interactive marketing campaigns on social media with engaging passive communication tactics.

Korean Airline Tour created and maintained a relationship with customers by using Facebook for individual communication purposes. Travel 2. The travel 2. For example, TripAdvisor is an online travel community which enables user to rate and share autonomously their reviews and feedback on hotels and tourist destinations. Non pre-associate users can interact socially and communicate through discussion forums on TripAdvisor. Social media, especially Travel 2.


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